
Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Using MapBookCreate to create plan sheet layouts

I while ago I mentioned the location where you can find the Mapbook Templates and the location of the online tutorials to set up your own template based on the shipped template.

Once you have setup your template you can use the Map command “MapBookCreate” to layout your plan sheets to cookie cut up a large sites that will not fit on one sheet.

Once you type the MapBookCreate the following wizard is started

1. First give the map book a name such as the discipline. The mapbookname will be added to the start of the name of each layout created and added to the drawing. i.e Roading-XXXXX
2.Next browse to your sheet template.

3.Now setup your tiling scheme. I usually have zero percentage of overlap.
4. Setup your Layout Naming Scheme
5. Now you can setup a key and legend if you want from layers in the drawing. I typically do not use these settings.
6. Next you can add the layouts you are going to create to a sheetset.


7. Now you can preview the sheet layout
8. And if happy generate the layout sheets
9. If you have keep the “Adjacent arrows blocks” in you template you can hold the Ctrl key and click the “Adjacent arrows blocks” to jump to the appropriate numbered layout sheet from within each layout.

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