
Monday, 18 June 2012

Importing and Exporting to 12D

I have been working on a project with a surveyor who uses 12D so have been playing around with the import utility available under subscription described here and the export utility from Survey Solutions that you can download here.
The export process is two steps first you have to export to Landxml and the then fire up the Civil Survey Solution tool that gets installed here.

Then you have to select the landxml file previously created.
Hopefully every thing goes ok and the 12d file is generated and it is what the client is after.

Note as of 2014 there is a new extension that is pack of the 2014 producitivity package that can be downloaded from subscription centre once downloaded you can find the launch button under Subscription Extension Manager
Once launched you have a load more options to configure the data and style that data is exported to 12d.

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