
Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Selecting a Civil3d Profile when its in the drawing but cannot be seen

I am currently busy finishing off a job and for some reason one of the profiles used in a corridor intersection reset all its PVI’s to zero and stuffed up my model.
Tried audit, recover and also tried changed the elevation limits for the profileview to see the profile so I could edit it with no luck. All layers on and thawed.
I knew the profile was in the drawing but how could I select it and edit it when I could not see it. Qselect to the rescue.
  1. First using toolspace I changed the style assigned to the profile to a unique name.
  2. Then a typed qselect and selected the following settings.Object Type = Profile, Property = Style, Value = Unique name of the style
  3. The command line updated saying one object was selected
  4. With the object selected I right clicked and choose Edit profile
  5. Selecting Profile Grid View no data on the profile was displayed.
  6. So using Insert PVI button at the profile view I inserted a couple of new PVI and bang the profile reappeared.
    locked to the intersection. I edited the profile data now available and rebuilt my corridor and everything was great once more.


  1. Justin, couldn't you just QSELECT using the Name of the profile? It might potentially pick up profiles from other alignments too, but those could be easily de-selected.

  2. Good point Tim I see there is a name property. I did not spot that the first time just The ProfileViewName.


  3. You can always just right-click the profile name in Toolspace, and then click "Select". If you look at your Ribbon or Properties window it will show that you have selected your profile.

  4. Andrew

    I tried this in 2011 but on the right click there was not select that is what lead me to the work around above maybe in 2012 you can select profiles. Can you confirm?

