
Monday, 22 August 2011

Civil3d and Google Plus

Just got an invite to Google Plus so am having a play around with it and looking at doing some internal training with Manycam to showing my desktop though GooglePlus.

If you are into Civil3d and have not gotten an invite to GooglePlus and would like one.  Add a comment with your written email (i.e ralstogj at below and I will send you one of the 150 invites I have to give away and maybe we can setup a Civil3d hangout if your interested.


  1. Just found my way to your site and added it to my RSS feed. We use Civil 3D 2012 here at work to do smaller municipal projects as well as the Map 3D end of it.

    It's probably too late but if you still have a GooglePlus invite avail I'd like one. Send it to thomsonr at
