
Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Back from the Pacific

Just returned from a 2 week break in Rarotonga at the beautiful
PacificResort attending my sisters wedding and revisiting the island my wife and I got married on almost eleven years ago with the Kids. So no I was not allowed to take my laptop.

I did however pickup a couple of computer books on root at Border’s book store in Auckland at their big non-fiction clearance sale to read on the plane.

Publishing a blog with Blogger
This is a pretty straight forward text that shows you how to do pretty much everything with blogger. I would recommend it for anyone wanting to start up a blog with blogger. I use blogger with Windows Live Writer 2011 which I have found to be a great mix for publishing information to the net simply and easily.

Head First Object-Oriented Analysis & Design
Picked up this book in an effort to improve the structuring of my code so it is organised in a more object oriented way to enable more efficient reuse of sections of code I have written. Although written for Java it provides great tips in an interested writing style.

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